6:27AM Tue. Feb. 11, 2025 Eastern -- US Markets
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Active Stocks for Symbols Starting with T


For a list of stocks from the major US stock exchanges which are used in the Stock Challenge, please see the links below. Stocks symbols are listed by alphabetical order.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M N | O | P | Q | R
| S | T | U |V | W | X | Y | Z
T - AT&T Inc. TAC - TransAlta Corporation Ordinary TACT - TransAct Technologies Incorpora TAIT - Taitron Components Incorporated TAK - TAL - TAL Education Group American De TALK - TALKW - TALO - TANH - Tantech Holdings Ltd. TAOP - TAP - Molson Coors Brewing Company Cl TARA - TARK - TARS - TASK - TATT - TAT Technologies Ltd. - Ordinar TAVI - TAVIR - TAVIU - TAX - Liberty Tax, Inc. TAXE - TAYD - Taylor Devices, Inc. TBB - TBBB - TBBK - The Bancorp, Inc. TBCH - TBI - TrueBlue, Inc. TBIL - TBLA - TBLAW - TBLD - TBMC - TBMCR - TBN - TBNK - Territorial Bancorp Inc. TBPH - Theravance Biopharma, Inc. - Or TBRG - TC - Thompson Creek Metals Company I TCBI - Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc. TCBIO - TCBK - TriCo Bancshares TCBP - TCBPW - TCBS - TCBX - TCHI - TCI - Transcontinental Realty Investo TCMD - Tactile Systems Technology, Inc TCOM - TCPC - TCP Capital Corp. TCRT - TCRX - THL Credit, Inc. 6.75% Notes du TCTM - TCX - Tucows Inc. TD - Toronto Dominion Bank (The) TDACU - TDC - Teradata Corporation TDF - Templeton Dragon Fund, Inc. TDG - Transdigm Group Incorporated Tr TDI - Telephone and Data Systems, Inc TDIV - First Trust NASDAQ Technology D TDOC - Teladoc, Inc. TDS - Telephone and Data Systems, Inc TDSB - TDSC - 3D Systems Corpor TDTH - TDUP - TDW - Tidewater Inc. TDY - Teledyne Technologies Incorpora TEAF - TEAM - Atlassian Corporation Plc - Cla TECH - Bio-Techne Corp TECK - Teck Resources Ltd Ordinary Sha TECTP - TECX - TEF - Telefonica SA TEI - Templeton Emerging Markets Inco TEKX - TEL - TE Connectivity Ltd. New Switze TELA - TELO - TEM - TEN - Tenneco Inc. TENB - TENX - Tenax Therapeutics, Inc. TEO - Telecom Argentina SA TER - Teradyne, Inc. TERN - TEVA - Teva Pharmaceutical Industries TEX - Terex Corporation TFC - Shelton Greater C TFII - TFIN - Team Financial, I TFINP - TFPM - TFSA - TFSL - TFS Financial Corporation TFX - Teleflex Incorporated TG - Tredegar Corporation TGB - Taseko Mines, Ltd. TGI - Triumph Group, Inc. TGL - TGLS - Tecnoglass Inc. - Ordinary Shar TGNA - TEGNA Inc TGS - Transportadora de Gas del Sur S TGT - Target Corporation TGTX - TG Therapeutics, Inc. TH - THAR - THC - Tenet Healthcare Corporation THCH - THFF - First Financial Corporation Ind THG - Hanover Insurance Group Inc THIR - THLV - THM - International Tower Hill Mines, THO - Thor Industries, Inc. THQ - Tekla Healthcare Opportunies Fu THR - Thermon Group Holdings, Inc. Co THRD - TF Financial Corp THRM - Gentherm Inc THRY - THS - Treehouse Foods, Inc. THTX - THW - Tekla World Healthcare Fund Sha TIGO - TIGR - TigerLogic Corporation TIL - Till Capital Ltd. - Restricted TILE - Interface, Inc. TIMB - TIPT - Tiptree Financial Inc. TIRX - TISI - Team, Inc. TITN - Titan Machinery Inc. TIVC - TIXT - TJX - TJX Companies, Inc. (The) TK - Teekay Corporation TKC - Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS TKLF - TKNO - TKO - TELKONET INC TKR - Timken Company (The) TLF - Tandy Leather Factory, Inc. TLK - PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tb TLN - Talen Energy Corporation Common TLPH - TLRY - TLS - TLSA - TLSI - TLSIW - TLT - iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond TLTM - TLTQ - TLX - Trans-Lux Corpora TLYS - Tilly's, Inc. TM - Toyota Motor Corporation TMB - TELEMIG CELULAR TMC - TMCI - TMCWW - TMDX - TME - TMET - TMHC - Taylor Morrison Home Corporatio TMO - Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc TMP - Tompkins Financial Corporation TMQ - Trilogy Metals Inc. Common Stoc TMUS - T-Mobile US, Inc. TNC - Tennant Company TNDM - Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. TNET - TriNet Group, Inc. TNFA - TNGX - TNK - Teekay Tankers Ltd. TNL - Technitrol, Inc. TNMG - TNON - TNONW - TNXP - Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding C TNYA - TOI - TARGETS TR XXIV TOIIW - TOL - Toll Brothers Inc. TOMZ - TOON - TOP - TOPP - TOPS - TOP Ships Inc. TORO - TOST - TOUR - Tuniu Corporation - American De TOVX - TOWN - Towne Bank TOYO - TPB - Turning Point Brands, Inc. TPC - Tutor Perini Corporation TPCS - TPET - TPG - TPGXL - TPH - TRI Pointe Group, Inc. Common S TPIC - TPI Composites, Inc. TPL - Texas Pacific Land Trust TPLS - TPR - TPST - TPTA - TPVG - TriplePoint Venture Growth BDC TPX - Tempur Sealy International, Inc TPZ - Tortoise Power and Energy Infra TQQQ - ProShares UltraPro QQQ TR - Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. TRAK - Dealertrack Technologies, Inc. TRAW - TRC - Tejon Ranch Co TRDA - TREE - LendingTree, Inc. TREX - Trex Company, Inc. TRGP - Targa Resources, Inc. Common St TRI - Thomson Reuters Corp Ordinary S TRIB - Trinity Biotech plc - American TRIN - THOMSON REUTERS A TRINI - TRINZ - TRIP - TripAdvisor, Inc. TRMB - Trimble Inc. TRMD - TORM A/S TRMK - Trustmark Corporation TRML - TRN - Trinity Industries, Inc. TRNO - Terreno Realty Corporation TRNR - TRNS - Transcat, Inc. TROO - TROW - T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. TROX - Tronox Limited Ordinary Shares TRP - TransCanada Corporation TRS - TriMas Corporation TRSG - TRST - TrustCo Bank Corp NY TRT - Trio-Tech International TRTX - TRU - TransUnion TRUE - TrueCar, Inc. TRUG - TRUP - Trupanion, Inc. TRV - The Travelers Companies, Inc. TRVG - TRVI - TRX - Tanzanian Royalty Exploration C TS - Tenaris S.A. American Depositar TSAT - TSBK - Timberland Bancorp, Inc. TSBX - TSCO - Tractor Supply Company TSDD - TSE - Trinseo S.A. Ordinary Shares TSEL - TSEM - Tower Semiconductor Ltd. - Ordi TSHA - TSI - TCW Strategic Income Fund, Inc. TSL - Trina Solar Limited Sponsored A TSLA - Tesla, Inc. TSLG - TSLL - TSLQ - TSLR - TSLS - TSLW - TSLX - TPG Specialty Lending, Inc. Com TSM - Taiwan Semiconductor Manufactur TSMG - TSMU - TSMX - TSMZ - TSN - Tyson Foods, Inc. TSPY - TSQ - Townsquare Media, Inc. Class A TSSI - TSVT - TSYY - TT - TRANE INC. TTAM - TTAN - TTC - Toro Company (The) TTD - The Trade Desk, Inc. TTE - TTEC - TeleTech Holdings, Inc. TTEK - Tetra Tech, Inc. TTEQ - TTGT - TechTarget, Inc. TTI - Tetra Technologies, Inc. TTMI - TTM Technologies, Inc. TTNP - Titan Pharmaceuticals, Inc. TTOO - T2 Biosystems, Inc. TTSH - TTWO - Take-Two Interactive Software, TU - Telus Corporation Ordinary Shar TUG - TUGN - TUR - TURB - TURN - TUSK - Mammoth Energy Services, Inc. TUYA - TV - Grupo Televisa S.A. TVC - Tennessee Valley Authority TVE - Tennessee Valley Authority TVGN - TVGNW - TVTX - TW - Towers Watson & Co. TWFG - TWG - TWI - Titan International, Inc. (DE) TWIN - Twin Disc, Incorporated TWLO - Twilio Inc. Class A TWN - Taiwan Fund, Inc. (The) TWNP - TWO - Two Harbors Investment Corp TWST - TX - Ternium S.A. Ternium S.A. Ameri TXG - TXMD - TherapeuticsMD, Inc. TXN - Texas Instruments Incorporated TXNM - TXO - TXRH - Texas Roadhouse, Inc. TXSS - TXT - Textron Inc. TXUE - TXUG - TY - Tri Continental Corporation TYG - Tortoise Energy Infrastructure TYGO - TYL - Tyler Technologies, Inc. TYRA - TZOO - Travelzoo TZUP -
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