7:08AM Tue. Feb. 11, 2025 Eastern -- US Markets
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Active Stocks for Symbols Starting with M


For a list of stocks from the major US stock exchanges which are used in the Stock Challenge, please see the links below. Stocks symbols are listed by alphabetical order.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M N | O | P | Q | R
| S | T | U |V | W | X | Y | Z
M - Macy's Inc MA - Mastercard Incorporated MAA - Mid-America Apartment Communiti MAC - Macerich Company (The) MACI - MACIU - MACIW - MAG - MAG Silver Corporation Ordinary MAGN - MAIA - MAIN - Main Street Capital Corporation MAMA - MAMO - MAN - ManpowerGroup MANH - Manhattan Associates, Inc. MANU - Manchester United Ltd. Class A MAPS - MAPSW - MAR - Marriott International MARA - Marathon Patent Group, Inc. MARPS - Marine Petroleum Trust - Units MAS - Masco Corporation MASI - Masimo Corporation MASK - MASS - MAT - Mattel, Inc. MATH - MATHSTAR INC MATV - MATW - Matthews International Corporat MATX - Matson, Inc. MAV - Pioneer Municipal High Income A MAX - MAXI - MAXN - MAYS - J. W. Mays, Inc. MAZE - MBAV - MBAVU - MBAVW - MBB - ISHRS LEHM MBS FR MBC - MBCN - Middlefield Banc Corp. MBI - MBIA Inc. MBIN - MBINL - MBINM - MBINN - MBIO - MBLY - Mobileye N.V. Ordinary Shares MBNKP - MBOT - MBRX - Moleculin Biotech, Inc. MBS - MORGAN STANLEY ST MBUU - Malibu Boats, Inc. MBWM - Mercantile Bank Corporation MBX - MC - Moelis & Company Class A MCB - MS DW BRIDGES S&P MCBS - MCD - McDonald's Corporation MCDS - MCFT - MCBC Holdings, Inc. MCHI - iShares MSCI China ETF MCHP - Microchip Technology Incorporat MCHS - MCHX - Marchex, Inc. - Class B MCI - Barings Corporate Investors MCK - McKesson Corporation MCN - Madison Covered Call & Equity S MCO - Moody's Corporation MCR - MFS Charter Income Trust MCRB - Seres Therapeutics, Inc. MCRI - Monarch Casino & Resort, Inc. MCS - Marcus Corporation (The) MCSE - MCTR - MCVT - MCW - MCY - Mercury General Corporation MD - Mednax, Inc. MDAI - MDAIW - MDB - MDBH - MDCP - MDCX - MDCXW - MDGL - Madrigal Pharmaceuticals, Inc. MDIA - MDIV - First Trust Multi-Asset Diversi MDLZ - Mondelez International, Inc. MDRR - MDST - MDT - Medtronic plc. Ordinary Shares MDU - MDU Resources Group, Inc. MDV - MDWD - MediWound Ltd. - Ordinary Share MDXG - MiMedx Group, Inc MDXH - ME - Mariner Energy, I MEC - MED - MEDIFAST INC MEDP - Medpace Holdings, Inc. MEDX - Medarex, Inc. MEG - Media General, Inc. Common Stoc MEGI - MEGL - MEI - Methode Electronics, Inc. MEIP - MEI Pharma, Inc. MELI - MercadoLibre, Inc. MEMS - MEMSIC, Inc. MEOH - Methanex Corporation MERC - Mercer International Inc. MESA - Mesa Air Group, I MESO - Mesoblast Limited - American De MET - MetLife, Inc. META - METC - METCB - METCL - METCZ - METD - METU - MFA - MFA Financial, Inc. MFAN - MFAO - MFC - Manulife Financial Corporation MFG - Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. Sp MFH - MFI - MicroFinancial In MFIC - MFICL - MFIN - Medallion Financial Corp. MFLX - Multi-Fineline Electronix, Inc. MFM - MFS Municipal Income Trust Comm MFSB - MFSG - MFSI - MFSM - MFSV - MG - Mistras Group Inc MGA - Magna International, Inc. MGEE - MGE Energy Inc. MGF - MFS Government Markets Income T MGIC - Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. MGIH - MGLD - MGM - MGM Resorts International MGNI - MGNX - MacroGenics, Inc. MGOL - MGPI - MGP Ingredients, Inc. MGR - Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. MGRB - MGRC - McGrath RentCorp MGRD - MGRE - MGRM - Monogram Bioscien MGRX - MGTX - MGX - MGY - MGYR - Magyar Bancorp, Inc. MHD - Blackrock MuniHoldings Fund, In MHF - Western Asset Municipal High In MHH - Mastech Digital, Inc MHI - Pioneer Municipal High Income T MHK - Mohawk Industries, Inc. MHLA - Maiden Holdings, Ltd. 6.625% No MHLD - Maiden Holdings, Ltd. MHN - Blackrock MuniHoldings New York MHNC - Maiden Holdings North America, MHO - M/I Homes, Inc. MHUA - MI - New M&I Corporati MIDD - The Middleby Corporation MIGI - MILN - Global X Millennials Thematic E MIMI - MIN - MFS Intermediate Income Trust MIND - Mitcham Industries, Inc. MIO - MIR - Mirant Corp Commo MIRA - MIRM - MIST - MITK - Mitek Systems, Inc. MITN - MITP - MITQ - MITT - AG Mortgage Investment Trust, I MIY - Blackrock MuniYield Michigan Qu MKAM - MKC - McCormick & Company, Incorporat MKDW - MKDWW - MKFG - MKL - Markel Corporation MKSI - MKS Instruments, Inc. MKTW - MKTX - MarketAxess Holdings, Inc. MKZR - ML - MLAB - Mesa Laboratories, Inc. MLAC - MLACR - MLACU - MLCO - MLEC - MLECW - MLGO - MLI - Mueller Industries, Inc. MLKN - MLM - Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. MLNK - ModusLink Global Solutions, Inc MLP - Maui Land & Pineapple Company, MLR - Miller Industries, Inc. MLSS - Milestone Scientific, Inc. Comm MLTX - MLYS - MMA - MUNI MTG & EQU LL MMC - Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc MMD - MainStay DefinedTerm Municipal MMI - Marcus & Millichap, Inc. MMKT - MMLP - Martin Midstream Partners L.P. MMM - 3M Company MMS - Maximus, Inc. MMSI - Merit Medical Systems, Inc. MMT - MFS Multimarket Income Trust MMU - Western Asset Managed Municipal MMYT - MakeMyTrip Limited - Ordinary S MNDO - MIND C.T.I. Ltd. - Ordinary Sha MNDR - MNDY - MNKD - MannKind Corporation MNMD - MNOV - MediciNova, Inc. MNPR - MNR - Monmouth Real Estate Investment MNRO - MONRO INC MNSB - MNSBP - MNSO - MNST - Monster Beverage Corporation MNTK - MNTL - MNTS - MNTSW - MNY - MNYWW - MO - Altria Group, Inc. MOB - MOBBW - MOBX - MOBXW - MOD - Modine Manufacturing Company MODD - MODG - MODL - MModal Inc. MODV - MOFG - MidWestOne Financial Group, Inc MOGO - MOGU - MOH - Molina Healthcare Inc MOLN - MOMO - Momo Inc. - American Depositary MOOD - MORN - Morningstar, Inc. MOS - Mosaic Company (The) MOV - Movado Group Inc. MOVE - Move, Inc. MP - MPA - Blackrock MuniYield Pennsylvani MPAA - Motorcar Parts of America, Inc. MPB - Mid Penn Bancorp MPC - Marathon Petroleum Corporation MPLN - MPLX - MPLX LP Common Units Representi MPTI - MPU - MPV - Barings Participation Investors MPW - Medical Properties Trust, Inc. MPWR - Monolithic Power Systems, Inc. MPX - Marine Products Corporation MQ - MQQQ - MQT - Blackrock MuniYield Quality Fun MQY - Blackrock MuniYield Quality Fun MRAM - Everspin Technologies, Inc. MRBK - MRC - MRC Global Inc. MRCC - Monroe Capital Corporation MRCY - Mercury Systems Inc MREO - MRIN - Marin Software Incorporated MRK - Merck & Company, Inc. (new) MRKR - MRM - MERRIMAC INDS INC MRNA - Marina Biotech, I MRNO - MRNOW - MRNS - Marinus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. MRP - MPS LINK TO S&P50 MRSN - MRT - MedEquities Realty Trust, Inc. MRTN - Marten Transport, Ltd. MRUS - Merus N.V. MRVI - MRVL - Marvell Technology Group Ltd. MRX - Medicis Pharmaceu MS - Morgan Stanley MSA - MSA Safety Incorporated MSAI - MSAIW - MSB - Mesabi Trust MSBI - Midland States Bancorp, Inc. MSBIP - MSC - MATERIAL SCI CP MSCI - MSCI Inc MSD - Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets MSDL - MSEX - Middlesex Water Company MSFD - MSFL - MSFT - Microsoft Corporation MSFU - MSGE - MSGM - MSGS - MSI - Motorola Solutions, Inc. MSIF - MSM - MSC Industrial Direct Company, MSN - Emerson Radio Corporation Commo MSPR - MSPRW - MSPRZ - MSS - ML SLCT 10 ST RTN MSSA - MSSAR - MSSAU - MSSAW - MSTR - MicroStrategy Incorporated MSTX - Mast Therapeutics, Inc. Common MSW - Mission West Prop MT - Arcelor Mittal NY Registry Shar MTA - Magyar Telekom Te MTAL - MTB - M&T Bank Corporation MTC - Allied Irish Bank MTCH - Match Group, Inc. MTD - Mettler-Toledo International, I MTDR - Matador Resources Company MTEK - MTEKW - MTEN - MTEX - Mannatech, Incorporated MTG - MGIC Investment Corporation MTH - Meritage Homes Corporation MTLS - Materialise NV - American Depos MTN - Vail Resorts, Inc. MTNB - MTR - Mesa Royalty Trust MTRN - Materion Corporation MTRX - Matrix Service Company MTSI - MACOM Technology Solutions Hold MTSR - MTTR - MTUS - MTVA - MTW - Manitowoc Company, Inc. (The) MTX - Minerals Technologies Inc. MTZ - MasTec, Inc. MU - Micron Technology, Inc. MUA - Blackrock MuniAssets Fund, Inc MUC - Blackrock MuniHoldings Californ MUD - MUE - Blackrock MuniHoldings Quality MUFG - MUI - Blackrock Muni Intermediate Dur MUJ - Blackrock MuniHoldings New Jers MULL - MULN - MUR - Murphy Oil Corporation MURA - MUSA - Murphy USA Inc. MUSE - MUU - MUX - McEwen Mining Inc. MVBF - MVF - Blackrock MuniVest Fund, Inc. C MVIS - Microvision, Inc. MVO - MV Oil Trust Units of Beneficia MVST - MVSTW - MVT - Blackrock MuniVest Fund II, Inc MWA - MUELLER WATER PRODUCTS MWG - Morgan Stanley Cap Tr IV Gtd Ca MX - MagnaChip Semiconductor Corpora MXC - Mexco Energy Corporation MXCT - MXE - Mexico Equity and Income Fund, MXF - Mexico Fund, Inc. (The) MXL - MaxLinear, Inc. MYCF - MYCG - MYCH - MYCI - MYCJ - MYCK - MYCL - MYCM - MYCN - MYD - Blackrock MuniYield Fund, Inc. MYE - Myers Industries, Inc. MYFW - MYGN - Myriad Genetics, Inc. MYI - Blackrock MuniYield Quality Fun MYMF - MYMG - MYMH - MYMI - MYMJ - MYN - Blackrock MuniYield New York Qu MYNA - MYND - MYNZ - MYO - MYPS - MYPSW - MYRG - MYR Group, Inc. MYSZ - My Size, Inc. MYTE -
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